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About Us


The Native Center for Behavioral Health is a training, education, and resource center in the Department of Community and Behavioral Health at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. We are committed to developing programs to support the behavioral health workforce in Native American and Alaska Native communities across the country. Our current projects include the National American Indian/Alaska Native Childhood Trauma Treatment and Service Adaptation (TSA) center; a Mental Health Awareness Training program focusing on American Indian/Alaska Native individuals in the Greater Sioux City, Iowa, area; and American Indian/Alaska Native Motivational Interviewing training for child welfare professionals working with all tribal communities in the state of Oregon.

Previously, the Native Center for Behavioral Health was home to three technology transfer programs funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in the areas of addiction (ATTC), mental health (MHTTC), and prevention (PTTC), as well as school mental health for Native youth (MHTTC K-12 School Supplement), a Tribal College and University Initiative, an American Indian/Alaska Native Behavioral Health Program, and a Leadership Academy for American Indian and Alaska Native behavioral health professionals.

Our mission is to serve as subject-matter experts and key authorities on resources for culturally informed prevention practices, addiction treatment, recovery, and mental health services, supporting behavioral health professionals working with Native communities. We focus on using evidence and experience-based methods, as well as traditional cultural practices for treatment of those suffering from substance use and other behavioral health disorders, and providing technical assistance to communities in crisis due to a mental health or addiction epidemic. By partnering with local Native behavioral health workforce members, we utilize American Indian/Alaska Native knowledge to create culturally informed experiences for providers and clients. 

Advisory Council, Consultants, and Partners

As is written in the values and principles of the Center, we draw upon the diverse and unique cultures, ceremonies, customs, and teachings of American Indians and Alaska Natives for strength, wisdom, and guidance. In order to serve in a national capacity, we rely on the commitment of members from across the country to advise on curriculum development, cultural competency, and needs assessment.

Meet our Staff

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Anne Helene Skinstad
PsyD, PhD


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Jacque Gray PhD


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Parker Laney

Communications Coordinator


Morgan Brooks

Program Coordinator

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Kevin Simmons PhD canidate

Program Manager

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Winonah Leadercharge

Program Coordinator

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Kathyleen Tomlin PhD, LPC, LMHC, CADC - III


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Megan Dotson

Program Manager

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Meg Schneider

Communications Coordinator


Falon Torrez

Research Associate

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Maurine Lilleskov PhD, MPH, CHES

Program Manager

Graduate Research Assistants

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Dara L. Jefferson
Ph.D. Student

Graduate Research Assistant

Northern Arapaho, Meskwaki

Undergraduate Research Assistants

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Keely Driscoll

Student Assistant



Abigail Buffalo

Student Assistant


NCBH Staff

The Native Center for Behavioral Health is funded through grants from the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (Mental Health Awareness Training and National AI/AN Childhood Trauma TSA, Cat II) and a contract with the State of Oregon (Motivational Interviewing). The MHAT grant (Award #1H79SM084462-01) is authorized under Section 520J of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-41) as amended. The National AI/AN Childhood Trauma TSA, Cat II grant (Award #1H79SM085092) is authorized under Section 582 of the Public Health Service Act as amended.

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